Written, Edited and Collated by Woodrow, Lakelands Explorer was issued to all fifth and sixth class (p7) pupils in Ireland.
Woodrow was delighted to work with Failte Ireland and Waterways Ireland on this school’s booklet. Lakelands Explorer was sent out to fifth and sixth class (P7) pupils across Ireland (North and South). It is a fun and dynamic booklet designed to help young people take a first step to explore our Lakelands. Pages on wildlife, history, engineering, cross words, spot the difference and much more should keep young people engaged and enthused. Woodrow devised the layout, wrote the content, collated and edited all information and even sourced two of the models! Before every box was distributed to schools, Failte Ireland was already receiving requests for additional copies from schools and hand-written notes of praise from school principals!
If you would like more information on this or any of our other projects please get in touch through our contact section.