Patrick Quinn
Principal Ecologist
email: [email protected]
mobile: +353 7 1914 0542
Patrick Quinn BSc (Hons) ACIEEM, AMIFM Aquatic Ecologist & Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).
Patrick joined Woodrow in October 2017 as part of the Company’s plans to expand its aquatic ecological services. Patrick has extensive experience in aquatic and fisheries ecology including salmonids, lampreys, freshwater crayfish, electric fishing surveys and identifying freshwater pearl mussels. Other survey skills include benthic invertebrates, aquatic macrophytes and he routinely carries out hydro-chemical water analysis and SSRS assessments. Woodrow sent him to England for advanced training on electric fishing and he persuaded us to buy a set of this survey equipment.
He is not solely water-based. Patrick also works as an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) on construction sites across Ireland steering and assisting construction staff to ensure ecological compliance and best practice on sites. Patrick also conducts species habitat suitability surveys and habitat surveys such as on sensitive peatland areas to inform Appropriate Assessment reporting.
Sadly Patrick is a Liverpool FC supporter!