Bridget Keehan
Botany Technical Specialist
email: [email protected]
mobile: +353 7 1914 0542
Bridget is a professional field botanist with 30 years of experience in plant identification including bryophytes. She has excellent habitat classification skills, with extensive experience in JNCC Phase 1, Fossitt and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys, and is proficient in developing strategies and providing advice based on information collated, her experience including the preparation of Biodiversity Action Plans.
Bridget is also experienced in undertaking mammal, raptor, invertebrate and invasive species surveys to inform reports and impact assessments. Bridget is proficient in the preparation of habitat maps, ecology chapters of Environmental Impact Assessments, Screening Reports and inputting into Appropriate Assessments, including provision of mitigation recommendations, and she has wide experience in editing and analysing reports and journals. Bridget maintains an up-to-date practical knowledge of both European and National (Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland) environmental legislation and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).